31 December 2008

People: Britney Is The Hottest Human Being On Earth

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Personal troubles or no, Britney Spears is still the hottest human being on Planet Earth, according to USA Today’s annual Celebrity Heat Index, which measures how much exposure a star gets in print and online.

Brit got more media attention than anyone else for 11 weeks this year, meaning she earned the top spot on the index for the second year in a row. That coverage included everything from her infamous breakdown last January to her best-selling album, just released on Dec. 2.

It’s just another feather in Britney’s cap, following her selection by PEOPLE readers as having the “best comeback” of 2008 as well as being the “most talked about celebrity.”

Nipping at Spears’s heels on the index were Angelina Jolie (No. 2), Jennifer Aniston (No. 3) and the man they have in common, Brad Pitt. Paris Hilton and Anna Nicole Smith, meanwhile, dropped out of the Top 10 altogether.

Robert Pattinson, Blake Lively and Barack Obama made the index for the first time, and the divorce between Madonna and Guy Ritchie qualified as hottest breakup.

Online readers also said they wished they could get more of Reese Witherspoon and Patrick Swayze, who revealed he has pancreatic cancer in March.

Source: People.com