27 September 2008

Newsday review of WOMANIZER

The Britney Spears comeback story now has a soundtrack.

Her new single “Womanizer,” which made its debut this morning on Z100 (either three days early or four days late depending on whose timetable you believe), is the first musical sign that she may actually be
putting her troubled past behind her.

“Womanizer,” from the Atlanta production team The Outsyders, is an upbeat dance number that crosses her hit “Toxic” with some of the Euro-influenced dance sound from last year’s “Blackout” and adds some pointed lyrics.
“You say I’m crazy? I got your ‘crazy,’” sings Spears. “You’re nothing but a womanizer.”

It’s catchy, but more noteworthy is that it involves
some tongue-twisting lyrics and doesn’t heavily process Spears’ vocals, meaning that she had to be engaged in the recording process – something that was not evident for “Blackout.”

At this point, can’t we all just admit “Blackout” wasn’t very good? (I know many of you disagreed at the time, but do you still feel that way?) Despite some really catchy songs, it just sounded sad, like Spears vocals were assembled by robots because she couldn’t string two sentences together. “Blackout” hasn’t even broken the 900,000 sales mark yet, despite its massive, car-crash-gawking opening sales week of nearly 300,000 last November.

“Womanizer” is a sign that Spears’ sixth album “Circus,” due out Dec. 2, will fare far better.