25 September 2008

Everybody calm down: we've heard the Britney single in full and it is literally quite good

Without wishing to stir up any of that boring Christina vs Britney nonsense, Britney's new single 'Womanizer' is exactly what Christina is trying - and failing - to do with her own new single. We heard the track in full earlier today and while we enjoyed (what we could hear of) the clip that leaked on Monday hearing the track in full - and at full volume - throws the whole thing into a brand new realm of amazingness. Stylistically it shares a lot in common with Rachel Stevens' 'Some Girls' but in Britney terms it's a brilliantly executed mashup of 'Toxic' with the last album's more insane moments like 'Ooh Ooh Baby'. Most important thing: it doesn't fade at the end - the beat drops out while Britney trills the main "YOU'RE A WOMANIZER OH WOMANIZER OH YOU'RE A WOMANIZER BABY" hook. This track lays a really strong foundation for the fully-realised comeback that didn't quite happen last time and it's hard not to think of it as a late contender for single of the year. Like we said above, it's literally quite good.

Source: popjustice.com